16 July 2008

And the Adventures begin...

So, I went on this little journey. Up through the expanse of Northern Arizona along Route 89(a) and into Utah where Orem was my destination. It all began on a hot day on the Fourth of July. I left around 6:30 but still the traffic was thick with the weekend travelers. But by the time I passed through Flagstaff and went on Route 89a, I was on my own as far as other people were concerned.

Open country with the ever changing colors on the landscape. It is truly an awe-inspiring place where the pictures just do not do justice. A thunder/lightning storm lay on the horizon for most of the afternoon creeping ever so steadily my way as I headed North.

I made several stops along Route 89a where the Vermillion Cliffs National Monument beckoned to me. And the vast plain of the valley floor ran for miles with deep fissures and unseen canyons and of course the Colorado River ran through.
Higher and higher I went into the Kaibab National Forest. To where the forest were miniature trees compared to the great giants of the Pacific Northwest. But for Arizona, this is as good as it gets. I saw some deer.
I arrived in Kanab, Utah for the night. The town was bustling with activity for the Fourth of July celebration. After a swim in cold water to cool down from the 100 plus degree heat and some food to nourish me, I headed to the city park to score my spot for the firework display. People were already arriving two and half hours before the big event to score their spots. Big families with children everywhere was the common sight. Finally a quarter to 2200 hours, the fireworks started! It was magnificent. The sounds echoing off the walls of the cliffs and the wonderful display of fireworks sent everyone "ooohhh and ahhhh."


Mrs. SwedeHart said...

Hey Ingrid:D I received your message that you had arrived home- so glad to hear that your journeys ended safely.

That's neat that you joined the crowd for the 4th in Kanab. I bet that was sweet.

Gipsy Ing said...

It was fun to have the small town celebration of fireworks. Apparently it was an all day celebration with a parade and food earlier during the day.