21 September 2007

Coastal Storm

So. A storm in LA. Well the storm seems to be more centrally located out at sea but we got the rain. People have been talking up a storm (haha) about the reported rain/thunderstorm for the weekend. It has gotten quite a bit cooler in the last week. So cool I was starting to think, ah Autumn is coming.

Today was sunny enough, but when I left after work and looked East to the coast. The big clouds coming in. I went racing home to get some errands done and then out to the beach to take pictures and admire the storm. It has not rained in 150 days. The last time it rained was on Good Friday. We needed the good soaking. The air is "much fresher." Not too fresh though but the smog has been very low. Wonderful. I like storms on the coast. It is so full of energy.
This is looking in the direction to Palo Verdes Peninsula (on far left of picture) but supposed to be full view of Catalina Island which is clouded over with some of the significant ominous clouds. It had not started to rain just yet. I could feel the rain coming closer and was fairly windy.
Just think, just a few weeks ago (like Labor Day weekend), the beaches were amassed with human bodies. One could barely see the sand between the people. I had seen a photo of that weekend. And now look at this picture, a small representation of what the beaches looked like for miles. The only inhabitants with me were the fellow seagulls and sandpipers and the pelicans riding the crests of the waves out at sea. There were some people granted out on the walkway for biking and such but not very many.
Then it started to rain. Big drops. Splat, Splat. I quickly got on my hat and rain coat. I do not mind getting wet but hearing aids are prime importance to stay dry. As long as I have dry hearing aids, everything is fine. Did my little rain celebration dance before hiking it back to the van to sit and read and listen to the rain come down. I did not take off right away so to let the roads get a good soaking before driving. And probably avoid some of the crazies who think they can go 50 mph on five minute fresh wet pavement with the oils coming out.

Yes, interrupted report! I just witnessed lightning. HA!!! My kind of storm. Almost wish to be out on the beach in a tent and letting the rain and wind rip through. Thunder? Was that faint thunder? If it was about six to eight miles away. So perhaps I will get my storm. The first storm of the season in anticipation of Autumn. Autumn is coming. My favorite season of the year. If we only had fall foliage around here.... but this is just as glorious. Coastal storms.


Wayfarer 2oo said...

Yo, gypsy storm lover!

Hope you are continuing to enjoy some stormy weather. But could any truly compare to that fantastic gale on the Dorset coast? Aye, me lassie, twas there a storm if ere one be seen!

And if east ye be lookin' me dear, twas not the ocean ye' be scannin'!


Gipsy Ing said...

So very poetic. Very true. The Pacific gales are are nothing compared to the mighty ones in the Nordic homeland countries.

Give me a break! ha, I wrote it very late at night. I meant West, yes, west. You know how I am with directions. same with left and right. The only true direction I know is North.

Mrs. SwedeHart said...

Can you believe it rained her, too:)

Just this morning, Wyatt, Roxi and I were sitting outside, reading, enjoying the cool morning breeze, when it started raining! Only for a minute or so, but it DID rain!

Nice pictures and description. i would have loved to have seen a photo of the rain dance celebration.

Gipsy Ing said...

Yea! Glad to hear it rained in Tempe too. Maybe some will carry over from the Pacific Coast.