I have been reading a book: Soul Mission * Life Vision by Alan Seale. It is a good book for me because it is helping me gain more insights on this journey of life and of soul mission and quest for the journey of life I am partaking. It is a book that I recommend to anyone to read, especially to ground, find, or enhance one's gifts and mission of life.
I would like to share some insights that I discovered with a recent reading. One of the universal laws of the universe (that was created years and years ago and to which major religions/philosophies incorporate part of their beliefs into their systems of beliefs) talks about the Law of Mentalism (God or a form of God that is representative the greater whole, great Mystery).
The law states that everything exists in the mind of God and the mind of God exists within everything. I think this is a rather powerful statement. Powerful because most of society does not live according to this statement. Most "western" religions or modern day thinkers view God as a separate entity. To think that God is inside me and I am inside God. Hmm... one may think. But I think it makes perfect sense. We go "inside" ourselves for reflection, prayer, meditation, and any forms of spirituality that calls for the recognition of self, spirit, soul and to commune with the God in us.
Greek philosopher Epictetus stated: "You are a distinct portion of the essence of god in yourself. Why, then, are you ignorant of your noble birth? Why do you not consider whence you came? Why do you not remember when you are eating, who you are who eat; and whom you feed: do you not know that it is the divine you feed; the divine you exercise? You carry a God about with you."
I do not know about you but after pondering on the quote of Epictetus, if one is to carry this belief of God within us and Us Within God, it changes one's perspective of life. How we live is changed. It calls for a more whole/holistic way of living. It is not like one has to join a convent or start some special society. It is a way that anyone can partake and live a more balanced life. Be an encouragement to do so! At least it does to me.
Actually I have had this thought swimming back in my mind for some time now. Ironically it started after my first meditation sit two years ago. As a result of that experience, I have been slowing evolving, changing. For example, even though I do have an IBS problem that has been existing within me for years, since this time and especially in the last few months, I am changing my diet. Not because I just decided but because something inside me directs me. One may think I am going overboard but when I really sit down to think of what I eat. I do not want to be feeding myself some unhealthy food. And yes, that goes for sugar (cookies, cakes, candy, sweets). Does anyone read the ingredients? Yuck! And food that was not processed in a not so nice way: fast foods? refined sugars, flours, rice and grains? I fortunately have not been much of a sugarholic all of my life so it is an aspect that has been easy to eradicate from my diet. Food then expands to other areas of life including exercise and the likes.
So for me this statement is like hey, wake up! Live a balanced life because you deserve it! A desire to be healthy and happy too. And you know what, when doing this, it does improve how one perspective of life is.
Also, just think because God is in everyone and everyone is in God. Does that not change how we interact with others? Does not that create more love, compassion, empathy, caring for others because we all have God within us? In you? Again, this was another aspect that I thought I came up with after my meditation sit. I changed the way I interact with people. Again it is a slow process but over the two years, have seen some interesting occurrences. Basically when one puts aside the stereotypes, judgements of others, that individual is just like me and you. They have a soul, spirit that is also partaking the journey of life. And think about the valuable lessons and interaction that can occur and how one can help each other build on their experiences of life's lessons of love and living.
It is not easy just because we fall into habits. If we want change it is a process but can be done so. Treat yourself to a walk, to a play, to ramble in the woods, to do a favorite hobby, eat some delicious healthy food. It's amazing how great healthy balanced meals can bring. We still of responsibilities of course but take on responsibilities that are congruent, align with your sense of living a well balanced whole life. One might find a sense of more fulfillment, purpose for life and the journey we are taking.