24 May 2007

Beachcomber's Meanderings

And thus was the image I started my day with past Saturday doing a beach hike down to Redondo Beach (several miles... exact mileage unknown but it is a hour and half one way from El Segundo Beach park to Redondo Beach Harbor at a steady pace). The beach was lined with surfers that morning.Just imagine what it will be like in a few weeks, come July summer time. I will not be able to see the sand as people tell me. So better enjoy it now with less crowds. It was a good day for a walk. Sunny but hazy with the smog visible on the horizon.Beach front on the land side. Everything is built up to the sands of the beaches. And a lone surfboard awaits a ride on the wave. :) I am still in the Manhattan Beach area.
There is wildlife to be seen. The Pelicans were out as well cruising the waves with the surfers. Actually, I think that would be neat out in the ocean with the pelicans gliding by hovering over the waves.

And what?! I arrive to Hermosa Beach, kind of a funky, hippy style kind of place to see a huge scene for volleyball. The Pro Championships were already full swing. I seem to be developing this knack of late of arriving to destinations full of some kind of event and championships... I am recalling the time I went to scout Long Beach and ill-timed it right when the huge National auto racing was occurring right in the city!). At least the volleyball tournament was relatively lower key. However, I like Hermosa Beach (at least what I have seen of it).

For the day I had some destinations already planned. Including an earlier bead shop in El Segundo. Hermosa Beach was the stop for the famous "The Spot." All vegetarian food selection. Very healthy, good looking meals. So Rachel, we have at least one very good place to go to eat if you come to visit. You or anyone for that matter who is food conscious of healthy eating will not be disappointed. I had a delicious dish of Santa Fe Enchiladas (organic corn tortilla with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, tempeh, salsa and red sauce with pinto beans and whole grain brown rice). Very good. I also checked out the beer/wine menu since it said organic... and yes, I found what I was looking for -- organic Fish tale ale! Go Oly!!! Of course I did not order alcholic beverages. But to my extreme delight saw that they offered Kombucha for part of the beverage selection. Loved that (and by the way, my destination for Redondo Beach... whole foods to buy Kombucha). The restaurant is very nice. Use the same menu for both lunch and dinner.
And so off I go filled with good food to Redondo Beach ... Whole Foods. There is a big harbor here and wharf. I have not actually been to the heart of Redondo Beach just yet. Save for another outing.
So was a good full day of walking and enjoying the beach and ocean front.


JoAnn said...

The bird of paradise picture was soooooooo beautiful!!!! Looks like a painting, an incredible painting!
Sounded like a nice walkabout. Loved the surfing pictures too although it looked a bit cold, not quite my image of a SoCal beach day, looks more like a Westport WA day. Well, where is the Gipsy off to next? More pictures please. Mom

Gipsy Ing said...

Yes, the bird of paradise is incredible. I did not realize how incredible it was because it was hard to see how the picture turned out because of the sunlight hitting the screen.
Well, the weather around here does not seem to deter the surfers one bit. It did clear off more and was sunny, sunny... I took the pictures during the morning hours when there was still the overcast.

Mrs. SwedeHart said...

Hi Ingrid, Sorry I've been out of touch! We went camping last weekend and then I returned to the last week of school and graduating our seniors! Alas, I have recovered from the long school year, and the post-graduation party we teachers had at Casey Moores, and have been on-line again. I love these pictures, and the more I see, the more jealous I become!

Sark says to express your jealousy in full swing- so here goes, "Ingrid, I am sooooo jealous!!!" I want to be at the ocean! Now Swede is saying we should skip going along the shore and just hybernate in the mountains of Utah to save money.

I grew up in Michigan- a state surrounded by water. We visited the lake weekly during the summers, and vacationing on the water is a necessity for me. The desert is killing me. I long for the water!

Gipsy Ing said...

Aww, Rachel, I wish you were here too! Being in that heat, poor thing.
The more I am here the more I realize, I am getting hooked to the ocean. I never want to leave it again!!
And I truly think this area (South Bay LA) is the best area if one is to live in LA. It makes it more bearable and having the Peninsula as well so close with all of the amazing opportunities for wildlife. I have not explored the full spectrum of LA but what I have seen so far.. the more inland one goes into the "metropolis empire" the worse it gets. But by the ocean, there is a different pace. The pace of the tides. The seagulls cry and the voice of the ocean always speaking.
I grew up with the saltwater and ocean. My mother whose passion for coastal living is so strong that it overflowed to me in many ways but still with our differences. I go for the beachcombers way: always scouting for treasures that the tide brings. My mom was/is the one to jump in a sail boat, go surfing, swimming, rowing. And of course fish sampling, which is her job. I collect the rocks, shells, wood, and other jewels of the ocean. There is a picture of me and my sister when we were very very young. Standing on the beach by the jetty. I am wearing no shoes, shorts and a hoodie. And in one hand rocks and the other hand holding kelp (by it's head) and the tail trailing off about four feet in length. I can actually still remember dragging that thing with me along the beach. And why I was pulling it with me, who knows. Because I had to leave it behind. My parents did not want smelly kelp in the car.

Mrs. SwedeHart said...

What a precious story! Do you feel your sister with you still at the beach?

Gipsy Ing said...

I feel my sister with me wherever I am. But yes, at the beach too. I had an experience several years ago on my birthday while I was visiting my childhood beach haunts and it was like I could hear her laughter.