05 May 2007

Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo! I traveled to El Pueblo Los Angeles. It's just off downtown area of LA in a park area that holds the oldest buildings in LA... the original Los Angeles when it was just a small town in the west. Olvera Street (above picture) is the most famous little side street with all of the shops and cafes. Even though I have never been to Mexico...I kind of felt like I was not in the United States. Spanish was the language of the streets.

Music was everywhere.

What do you know? A harpist! The Mexican and South American harps are different. Different kind of strings and the harpist stands instead of sitting. I listened to a few songs. He was very good with the intricate melodies and baseline.

I love the buildings. So very pretty, quaint, and charming.

And so I had a very leisurely day spent looking at the shops. Most shops were the touristy kind but there were the authentic shops to be found.... handmade candles. Special designed clothing and outfits for festivals and dances. So I went exploring every thing that was offered to be explored. It was a day full of lively people milling around, dancing, music, food. I did not eat at any of the cafes or restaurants. Too many people (lines and lines waiting for a seat) but it was nice as tables were out in patios with good food. My mouth was watering to see and smell the aromas. (I had brought along my sandwich and snacks made from home).

I would like to come back and see El Pueblo during a somewhat calmer day. It was fiesta day so extra booths and carnival were all set up in the main park area.

Despite the bustle of folks there were places for rest and a quiet area away from everything.

This is Avila Adobe, the oldest building in LA. Of course it has been renovated and restored...some damages due to earthquakes awhile back. A beautiful place and free tours through the house.

This city is truly alive with the different nationalities being celebrated.


JoAnn said...

What a great way to spend Cinco De Mayo! More GREAT photos! And a Harp player too, very festive looking. I would have loved to be there, I would have spoken espanol! and eaten lots of tortillas! Yum :)

Gipsy Ing said...

Yes, Mom, I know you would have loved it. Need to come down sometime to visit and I will take you there! Visit the historic buildings, peek into some of the shops and then sit out on the verandas for a refreshing meal at one of the cafes. And they have a mission there with some incredible murals.

Mrs. SwedeHart said...

Beautiful again! You know, I didn't even think about Cinqo de Mayo while it was here. I'm out of touch.

Gipsy Ing said...

Cinco de Mayo is a big thing around here in LA probably because in part of the huge Hispanic population. Espanol is heard everywhere around me on the streets. More so than I experienced in Tempe/Phoenix area. There were other fiestas going on all over the city. I had to pick and choose which one to attend.

Mrs. SwedeHart said...

That must be rough having to choose!